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Hawaii Psychological Association
For a Healthy Hawaii
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The Psychologically Healthy Workplace 

115th Military Intelligence Group
2001 Award Winner: Military Unit Category

The outstanding feature of this organization is its Human Development Program (HDP), a proactive and comprehensive approach to supporting the readiness needs of the 115th MI Group. The program has been so effective that it is being considered for use throughout the Army.

This program was developed on the premise that a soldier's effectiveness is highly related to his or her "wellness" in the broadest sense of the concept. The program is very proactive, having shifted from an illness- and problem-focused approach to a wellness delivery approach directed towards soldiers as well as their dependents and families. Initially, each soldier and family member of the 115th MI Group completes a family Health Profile information form. This is filled out separately from normal health profiles to ensure anonymity. The purpose is to target risk areas among the respondents, and then offer referral sources to those persons.

This represents an unprecedented attempt to identify problems or potential problems before they evolve to a level that impairs performance. The program also is unique in its emphasis on the well-being of non-military personnel (dependents).

Hawaii Psychological Association
P.O. Box 833
Honolulu, Hawaii 96808
ph: (808) 521-8995

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