Easter Seals Hawai`i is the state's largest provider of services for infants, children and adults with developmental disabilities. They have experienced unparalleled growth in recent years through the strength of their financial planning and dedicated management. A fun fact is that at Easter Seals Hawai`i, transparency is the key. It is apparent in everything from the organization's glass office doors to its Web-posted financial reports. In a recent search for the 25 Best Places to Work in Hawai`i, Easter Seals Hawai`i was ranked third by Hawaii Business Magazine and were the only non-profit selected.
At Easter Seals Hawai`i, rank and file participation in decision making is not only appreciated by management, it is expected. The encouragement to think creatively and act independently is what's liked most by employees at this non-profit service organization. The 300 employees are given free reign to provide the best service that they know how. Employees are empowered to put ideas on the table and make something happen.
Easter Seals Hawai`i provides great creative perks such as Personal Health Days, Flu shots, and massages! Easter Seals provides four days of paid Personal Health leave per year and complimentary flu shots right in their office. How convenient is that? Not as nice as the free massages for all employees that worked at its Taste of Honolulu event this past June.
Health, safety and security are promoted through monthly meetings as it relates to each department. When hired, all new employees receive personalized attention with a member of the Human Resources team and a safety packet that is tailored specifically to their company about job hazards and proper procedures. At Easter Seals, career development is imperative. They have a formalized Training Program, New Hire Orientation, Educational Loan Program, Easter Seals University, and Recruitment & Retention. Employees are offered an interest free loan program for continuing education and can borrow up to $2,000 interest free.
As a community charitable organization, they truly understand the importance of public service and we are proud to recognize them as the winner of the Healthy Workplace Award in the Non-Profit category.