"Working for the State, I was really impressed," said one of the psychologists who did the site visits for the HWA. The Hawai'i Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs is a remarkable place to work for a number of reasons. DCCA has been recognized both nationally and locally with several awards for the quality of the services it provides. Their sense of commitment, dedication and community goes far beyond that required by their job descriptions and mission.
With 350 employees and a wide range of responsibilities including banking, cable TV, professional and vocational licensing, insurance regulation, business registration, and consumer protection all falling under their responsibilities, it is an understatement to say that it is a challenging environment in which to operate. DCCA does it with a sense of responsibility, dedication, community and integrity.
Being one of a few financially self-supporting departments in the state places a greater sense of the importance of providing useful, timely professional customer service. A Chamber of Commerce of Hawai'i survey showed the DCCA as having the highest number of excellent ratings compared to all other government agencies.
To achieve the high level of service and commitment, employees are engaged throughout the process of decision-making throughout the organization by their participation in committees. Unlike many organizations, the DCCA really empowers its committees to investigate and make decisions on vital issues. One area in which employees have been highly involved is innovative use of on-line technology in meeting the needs of Hawai'i. Through committees dedicated to improvement, documents and registrations that used to take months to process can often be done immediately. Whether you work at a counter or manage from the top, members of this department show a high degree of respect toward each other. In a perfect example, in November of 2003, when they faced the task of moving from the Princess Kamamalu building, a home for 40 years, the entire department came together. A committee consisting of a cross section of employees from all levels planned the historic move down to the last detail. From choosing furniture and floor plans, to assigning space and organizing the move, the committee did it all with very few problems. As a result, the move was made using a rolling shutdown process that minimized the disruption of service to the public. This successful undertaking shows a high degree of involvement and commitment.
The department shows its respect and trust for employees through its training programs, alternate work week programs, flexible working hours policy and leave sharing program. In fulfilling the department's mission, they also have a strong sense of community and come together to celebrate and honor their members.
DCCA's employees' sense of commitment doesn't end there. Their Anela program is a holiday program where the DCCA adopts two families and donates toys, food and other goods to two needy families. They also give back to the community in a variety of other ways including active participation in Hawai'i Foodbank, the Ready to Learn Program, Aloha United Way, and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Race of the Cure. Each year, employees come together with family members in an annual award ceremony to recognize excellence through a variety of awards that encourages a high level of achievement in customer service, innovation, and spirit.