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Hawaii Psychological Association
For a Healthy Hawaii
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The Psychologically Healthy Workplace 

T&T Tinting Specialists, Inc. 
2011 Award Winner: Small Business Category

T&T has been in business since 1982 as a small, for-profit company with approximately 25 employees. They are family owned and have become industry leaders not only in Hawaii but across the nation.

One of the remarkable things about T&T is that despite their small size and limited resources, they go above and beyond the call of what a small company would be expected to do and when compared with others in their industry, are light years ahead.

When an employee joins their team, they are fully supported in growing and developing into the best they can be both at work and away from the office.

Each employee, upon joining the workforce, is shown where they belong on a posted organization board where their name is posted. Everyone knows where they fit in the business and the connections they have with everyone else.

Employee recommendations are quickly incorporated into day-to-day business, tested over time, and if they result in improvements, the employee is recognized for the contribution.

Safety is a top priority with regular site-visits by executives to evaluate hazards on job sites. Rules and regulations are strictly adhered to resulting in very low accident rates.

Unlike similar companies, they provide air conditioning in their warehouses to improve working conditions-

T&T provides substantially higher wages than similar organizations with daily $300-$500 in production bonuses possible

A family atmosphere is notable, as management and fellow employees have time and again shown up for one another during troubling times.

Employees in the past who demonstrated difficulties with substances, depression, suicidality and bereavement were not fired, but supported by the company and helped through the challenges.

A light duty program is available if employees are injured so that instead of being unemployed, allows them a way to return to work.

All employees, whether they are in sales or not, are given customer service training.

Classes are offered in morale building, leadership, legal issues and communication skills.

Coaching and mentoring toward promotion and life success is available.

Trade show attendance is availed to all employees with expenses paid.

Employees are required to take their vacations

Employees are recognized regularly during meetings, with publicly posted comments from customers, quarterly and annual top employee recognition. Employees of the year are celebrated if they fulfill 17 attributes that are listed out and set as goals.

Work flow charts and an organizational chart are posted on the wall to facilitate broad perspectives of the goings on at T&T.

Evaluations follow clearly laid out model rubric and must be substantiated.

T&T is very committed to the community with participation in multiple charity events- tinted the offices of Helping Hands for free

There are regular outings with families come to be a part of the community.

When an employee lost a family member in a tragic accident, workers, on their own, came together and donated 100% of their commissions from one of their busiest Saturdays (totaling over $2,000.00) to cover funeral costs and show emotional support. The idea did not come from management, but rather is a testament to the spirit of Ohana that fills the workplace.

Hawaii Psychological Association
P.O. Box 833
Honolulu, Hawaii 96808
ph: (808) 521-8995

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