Steve Katz <steve41550@YAHOO.COM> (10/6/2016) asked:
What is the age that:
- Kids can get psychotherapy without parental consent?
- Therapists are not required to share content of sessions with parents?
Una Star <una.starr@HAWAIIANTEL.NET> (10/6/2016) replied:
Hi Steve,
See the attached HMSA info for age of consent (quoted below).
HMSA (HealthPro News, September 2016), effective July 1, 2016:
"[T]he age of consent for minors has been lowered to 14 for outpatient mental health treatment and services, provided:
- A licensed mental health professional determines that the minor is mature enough to participate intelligently in the treatment and that parental or a legal guardian's involvement would be inappropriate;
- No prescription medication will be prescribed;
- The minor won't be placed in out-of-home or residential treatment
If a minor consents to receive mental health treatment or counseling services and a minor's parent or guardian doesn't participate in mental health treatment or counseling, neither the parent/guardian nor the minor is financially responsible."
"Slavin, Lesley Ann" <Lesley.Slavin@DOH.HAWAII.GOV> (10/7/2016) replied:
Aloha Steve,
I am attaching an article I wrote about the new age of consent law for the last HPA Newsletter.
I hope you will find it helpful!